Dinner would be at 1900 Park Fare, located in The Grand Floridian resort. This resort is actually on the monorail line from the Magic Kingdom and also one of the original resorts to open when the Kingdom did in 1971 (though I'm a bit foggy with the years). It's a lovely resort- definitely deluxe accommodations. Before we got there, however, it began to rain. Guess which of us was the only one without a poncho.. That would be me. Thankfully, Stephen was willing to share his and the two of us walked from the bus-stop to the monorail station looking much like a two headed red monster. It's hard to walk when you're laughing that hard.
I was hoping the boys wouldn't figure out that this dinner was not just a run-of-the-mill dinner at a fancy restaurant. I wanted to keep the Cinderella part a secret as long as I could and I managed to do just that until our names were called and the little girl ahead of us said to her mom,
"Oh! Look Mom! Cinderella is in there!"
Stephen stopped abruptly and turned to me with an accusing glare and said,
"Well," said I, "It's not just Cinderella..."
By this time, both boys were looking daggers at me and I was seriously wondering why I ever thought this would actually be funny.
"Who else?" Asked a suddenly very suspicious Edward.
"Um.. Well, the fairy godmother is here, and the evil stepmother and uh.. the ugly stepsisters." I tried to mutter the last part under my breath.
We were led to our tables and the boys looked terrified. The waitress explained the buffet to us as well as the route the characters would be taking during the meal. I smiled encouragingly at the boys and we took our seats. Well, I did anyway. The boys were off in search of food and hoping to avoid any contact with Princesses.
The food was quite good. Eddie mentioned that he'd never eaten anywhere that had real napkins before (I'm not sure what that says about us, actually). Suddenly there was music and an announcement: "Ladies and Gentlemen! May I introduce...(drum roll please) Cinderella!"
I began to bounce in my seat and I clapped my hands and grinned widely as my children sat across the table from me, looking for all the world like they hoped the floor would open up and swallow them both. It didn't, and a few minutes later we were introducing ourselves to the Grand Princess herself- Cinderella! I was so thankful that she was the first of the characters the boys would meet because she was very kind and gentle and not at all intimidating to the boys. By the time I began taking pictures, they were actually beginning to enjoy themselves a bit! Whew! Things might just work out after all!
The boys began to relax and enjoy themselves, though they made frequent trips to the buffet tables. I only went twice- and one of those times, I brought back dessert...
"Yes ma'am. And of marriageable age as well." I said with a smile. The boys looked nervous.
"Very well," She answered as she looked at them, seemingly sizing them up. "I am ready for portraits now."
We took the pictures and she looked around to her daughters who were milling about the room,
"Girls! Girls! There are young men here who are single. Be sure to make a good impression." The stepsisters screeched and giggled.
"Girls! Girls! There are young men here who are single. Be sure to make a good impression." The stepsisters screeched and giggled.
The boys were seriously worried now. Stephen leaned over and whispered to me, "I'm only 13! I'm NOT getting married!"
By the end of the evening, the boys were actually having fun, I think. We didn't have a chance to see the Fairy Godmother, but I'm thinking that may have put the boys over the edge.
On the way home that evening, Stephen looked at me and asked me very seriously, "So--will there be any other dinners like this?"
"No dear." I answered.
Unless you count the Winnie the Pooh dinner on Friday.
What is up with those madras patchwork pants from the Fairfield Country Club circa 1965? I did not know those were back. However they should be worn with a white oxford shirt, sleeves rolled up just so, no tie. White bucks maybe?
Stephen loves those shorts! He's all about the plaid.
Rolling in the aisle here!! (I had to build one real fast for that express purpose) Sounds like just the ticket to marry them off asap! I'm sure the daughters would treat them with... uh... dignity!Yeah, that's it!
Thanks for sharing!!
Your boys are terrific! And what good sports for not running out on Cinderella! They deserve a medal (says the auntie who only got her nephews to take pics with Frankenstein)
YAY!!! I told you this would make a great memory for you and your boys!
I just absolutely love that you had a great time...and that your boys were good sports.
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