Once again, we were awakened by the ring of the telephone, though as usual, I was already awake. Oh well.
We listened to Mickey and Stitch then hurriedly got up, showered, dressed and sun-blocked because today we were going to The Magic Kingdom! We were on the bus and headed there by 8AM.
As you near the MK, the radio on the bus begins playing Mickey Mouse Club music and building up the excitement that you will soon be standing at the gates (or at the rope) of the Happiest Place on Earth. The kids on the bus were bouncing up and down!
No wait- that was me!
There were few people waiting ahead of us as we arrived at the turnstiles. Stephen was the first of the crew to go inside. As you can see, the Kingdom is already wearing its Halloween Attire and it really gets you in the mood, even if the temperature is hovering somewhere around 95 degrees with a similar percentage of humidity. There is something about those pumpkins grinning their lopsided grins that made me feel all Halloween-y.
We were the first ones at the rope-literally. We stood and looked onto a nearly empty Main Street USA and I again couldn't help the bouncing. The boys were a little put off by my childish behavior, but hey- I'm in Disney World! I payed a lot of money to act like a kid! We waited about a half hour for the first rope to drop, at which time we walked to the entrance of Future World to await the second rope drop. Buzz Lightyear was in there waiting!
The great thing about the MK, is the way it's set up. You wait in the main area outside the Train Station where, about 5 minutes before the first rope drop, a train arrives full of characters and there are songs and there is dancing and everyone is encouraged to get into the act- unless you are, like the boys and me, waiting for the rope to drop.
The first rope drops and you are ushered out onto Main Street USA- an area that is meant to look like the picture perfect turn of the century Main Street.. well.. USA! This time of year, as I said, it's all decked out in Halloween colors and decorations, but it's just lovely and puts you in the mood for the rest of the Kingdom. There are balloons and sweet smells coming from bakery doorways and music plays softly from hidden speakers. The castle acts as the center and the rest of the Kingdom is like a hub and spoke, each 'land' going in a different direction. What was most amazing to me was seeing a nearly deserted Main Street, as you can tell from the picture.
We headed for Future World where Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin awaited. I didn't have high hopes for this attraction because it's based on a video game and anyone who knows me at all knows that I am somewhat lacking in the hand-to-eye coordination department. I'm lucky I can walk and carry on a conversation at the same time!
The rope dropped again and we headed straight for Buzz and got in with no line at all! This was good in that we were able to do more in less time, but on the other hand, Disney spends a great deal of money and creative thought on the queuing areas of their attractions and when you are lucky enough to get right in, you do miss a great deal of that creativity. Still- no lines!
In the Buzz Lightyear attraction, you are seated in a two person car and moved through different rooms with targets all around you. The 'gun' attached to the dashboard in front of you shoots light beams which, hopefully, hit the targets and racks up points. I smoked the boys. I didn't mean to- I just hit a couple of the high scoring items (having read the guide books I knew a few of the things I should be looking for). The boys couldn't believe their eyes! How could Mom, who can't walk and chew gum at the same time, beat the both of them?? It was clear that we would have to go through again. Now.
So we did. Again with no line. And again... I smoked 'em. They wanted to go again, but I said no- that there were other attractions waiting and that the day was young. In truth, I was afraid my luck would run out. (As you'll learn in later entries, my luck did not change!)
Next, it was off to Frontierland and Splash Mountain!
Splash Mountain is based Disney's Song of the South, a movie that is not even available in the US anymore. In the ride, we learn that Brer Bear and Brer Fox are after Brer Rabbit and follow him to 'The Laughing Place'. While the LP is not so funny for Fox and Bear, Rabbit does find it pretty entertaining.
"I didn't say it was your laughing place, Brer Fox and Brer Bear!"
Fox and Bear do eventually catch the mouthy little rabbit and as they prepare him for a nice rabbit stew, the rabbit cleverly says, "You can do whatever you want with me, but please, oh please do not throw me into that thar briar patch!" At which point the little boat that you've been riding in slides down a massive chute and splashes into the pool at the bottom. Sometimes you get wet, sometimes you don't. All the while the little birds are singing 'Zip-a-dee-doo-dah!'
From Splash Mountain, we rushed over to Big Thunder Mountain where we again rode with no line. This attraction is a roller coaster that, unlike Expedition Everest, I can ride without fear of needing a barf bag. It's a run-away train that goes through an old mining town and mine. The ride is fast and furious, but you do miss much of the Disney scenery that is built into the attraction because you're too busy screaming like a little girl...
On the way to Liberty Square, we ran into Donald and had to have pictures. I should have gotten a job with Disney 'cause I often look pretty Goofy...
Who knew how attached Eddie was to this lovable little duck? I was moved by the affection between the two of them. Eddie, I'm sure, will beg me to remove this picture from the blog.
It was shortly after this character encounter that I found the perfect way to keep the boys occupied while I went off to enjoy a bit of 'Me Time'. I think Disney is very considerate to install these wonderful little devices! I wonder if they sell them online?
While in Liberty Square we visited the Haunted Mansion, then went off to Fantasyland to ride Peter Pan and Snow White before finishing our morning off with a trip to Adventureland and the Pirates of the Caribbean, Arrrrrrrr... This is one of those interesting rides that tells a story and Disney took that story and centered three movies around it- They then took the movies and updated the ride to center more around the movies. Kind of neat actually and you get to see several Animatronic Jack Sparrows which are amazingly realistic! It was, and still is, a fantastic ride.
All this was completed by lunch time and we headed over to Pecos Bill's for lunch then back to the resort for a rest. On the way we stopped at the bakery on Main Street and picked up a wonderful little snack that I wish I'd gotten more of. The Disney 'Chefs' take a Mickey Straw and stick three marshmallows on it. Then they dip it in chocolate and caramel sauce before rolling it in Rice Crispies. They again dip it in chocolate and just for good measure, they sprinkle the whole thing with rainbow jimmies! Oh...my...gosh...
We left the Magic Kingdom for a quiet afternoon followed by a not so quiet dinner. But I'll do another post to tell about that little adventure.